construction and design fee estimator
(This calculator only works on a computer. Unfortunately, it does not work on a phone or tablet).
To get a basic idea of what the construction of your project may cost, please fill out the calculator at the link below. Design fees are very proportional to construction costs. For example, if a project is large or complicated, it takes more time to design it (just like it will cost more to build a bigger or more complicated project). If the project is small and straight-forward, the design fee will be lower (just like the cost to build it will be lower too).
(Also keep in mind that small projects do lack an economy of scale, so their construction cost can be “out of whack” with the cost estimates for larger projects. For example, the cost to install a $10,000 driveway to a $500,000 house and the same $10,000 driveway at a $1,000,000 house is a constant, so the driveway is 2% of the cost of the cheaper house and 1% of the cost of the more expensive house.)
To learn about how we bill for the design work we do, please watch the video below.
Explanation of Design Agreement